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Lampung Regional Police Rescues 24 TPPO Victims

By Cpiet Rabu, 07 Juni 2023 Pengunjung (27) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Lampung. The Lampung Regional Police has rescued 24 individuals who are suspected to be prospective Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) from human trafficking crimes (TPPO).

"There were 24 female individuals who were suspected to be prospective PMIs successfully rescued in a house in Bandarlampung City, which was used as a temporary shelter," said Police Superintendent Hamid Andri Soemantri, the Vice Director of General Crimes Investigation of the Lampung Regional Police, on Tuesday, June 6, 2023.

He stated that the uncovering of this case started with a report from the community regarding a place suspected to be an illegal or non-procedural shelter for prospective PMIs on Padat Karya Street, Rajabasa Sub-district, Bandarlampung City.

"Based on the report, the officers immediately went to the location, checked inside, and successfully brought the 24 prospective PMIs to the Lampung Regional Police Headquarters. They said that they wanted to become PMIs in the Middle East," he said.

From their identity card, the 24 individuals suspected to be prospective PMIs came from several regions, including West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province.

"Now we are still investigating these prospective PMIs. We strive to provide protection for the victims, and they are currently placed in the Women and Children Protection Unit at Lampung Regional Police Headquarters," he explained.

He also mentioned that the preliminary assumption is that these prospective PMIs will be taken to Java Island or Jakarta before being sent to their destination countries.

The former Chief of Pringsewu Sub-Regional Police stated that the Lampung Regional Police is committed to combating human trafficking crimes by irresponsible parties and making efforts to protect the public from becoming victims of human trafficking.


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