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INP Chief Establishes Satgas TPPO

By Cpiet Selasa, 06 Juni 2023 Pengunjung (18) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Chief of Indonesian National Police (INP) Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has established a task force for combating human trafficking crimes (Satgas TPPO) at both the central and regional police levels. This initiative is a direct response to President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's instruction to the Chief of INP to crack down on individuals who provide protection to TPPO perpetrators.

"The Chief of INP has responded (the President's instruction) by establishing the Satgas TPPO led by the Vice Head of the Criminal Investigation Agency," stated Inspector General Sandi Nugroho, the Head of the Public Relations (PR) Division of INP, during an interview with Antara on Tuesday (6/6/23).

The decision to establish Satgas TPPO, he said, was announced during a video conference attended by high-ranking officials from the INP Headquarters and regional police nationwide on Monday (5/6). This specialized task force will undertake comprehensive mapping activities and execute decisive operations to dismantle TPPO networks.

"The instruction from the Chief of INP will be implemented by establishing a regional Satgas TPPO led by the vice chiefs of each regional police," he said.

During the video conference, the Chief of INP also instructed the Head of the PR Division to closely monitor media coverage on TPPO cases. This proactive measure aims to ensure transparency and deliver accurate information to the public regarding the progress of TPPO investigations.


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