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Legal Process Against Palembang Junior High Rapists Remains Continue

By Pramudita Selasa, 10 September 2024 Pengunjung (188) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Palembang. Police assure that the legal process against junior high student rapists is still ongoing, despite the underage suspects being moved to PSR ABH Indralaya.

“Legal process remains continue, in fact the legal process must be in accordance with the legal corridor that must be upheld by the investigators,” says Head of South Sumatra Regional Police Public Relations Division, Senior Superintendent Sunarto on Tuesday (9/10/2024).

As is regulated in the Article 32 of Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System, namely that detention of children may not be carried out. Referring to that, he said, detention can be carried out on condition that the child is 14 years old and is suspected of committing a crime with a prison sentence of 7 years or more. In this case, the three underage suspects are not yet 14 years old.

Then, in Article 69 of the same Law, he continued, that children in conflict with the law who are not yet 14 years old cannot be imprisoned. However, they will be returned to parents or their guardians, treatment in a mental hospital, and treatment in a Social Welfare Institution (LPKS), the obligation to follow formal education and or training held by the government or private institutions.

"And in this case I emphasize, what the investigators did was according to the legal corridor, according to the applicable laws and regulations," emphasized Sunarto.


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