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National Food Agency Invites Public to Consume Local Food Products Amidst Concern of Shine Muscat Grapes

By Pramudita Senin, 11 November 2024 Pengunjung (117) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Relating to the alleged dangerous substance on grapes from Thailand, the National Food Agency suggests the public to instead consume local grapes.

“We implore the public to together consume domestic foods instead for our own safety,” says Head of National Food Agency Arief Prasetyo Adi on Monday (11/4/2024).

According to him, the issue of Shine Muscat grapes must be the momentum in improving local fruit consumption. Moreover, the Ministry of Agriculture has been able to cultivate various types of grapes, including the Shine Muscat type.

However, Arief encouraged that the taste of grapes grown in Indonesia should also  be considered seriously. "This means that it must be in accordance with consumer references," he said.

Previously, the National Food Agency (Bapanas) ensured that Shine Muscat grapes were safe to consume. This is based on a rapid test of pesticide residues and laboratory tests on this type of grape. However, the concern of consuming the grapes still lingers in the community.


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