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Police Arrest Teacher Who Sexually Abused His Students

By Admin INP Senin, 10 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (111) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Banjarmasin. The police have successfully named a teacher at a junior high school in Banjarmasin as a suspect in a case of sexual abuse against three students.

"The results of the investigation revealed that the teacher with the initials RMS (30) is a resident of North Banjarmasin District," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Banjarmasin Police, Police Assistant Superintendent Eru Alsepa, as reported by Antaranews on Monday (2/10/2025).

On that occasion, he said that the suspect admitted to having committed immoral acts against three of his students during Scouting activities onSaturday and Sunday camps at the school.

"We have detained the suspect RMS for further legal proceedings for the depraved acts committed against his students," he said.
In taking responsibility for his actions, investigators charged him with Article 82 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

It is known that the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the Banjarmasin Sub-regional Police arrested a teacher at a junior high school who was suspected of committing immoral acts against his three students.

"The arrest of RMS was carried out by a joint team on Wednesday (2/5) night, at around 23.50 WITA while he was at home," he explained.

He also said that the immoral acts committed by RMS occurred on Sunday (12/15/2024) in the early hours of the morning, at around 02.30 WITA, during the Persami activity at a junior high school in Banjarmasin City.

After the incident, the victims told their parents and reported the case to the Banjarmasin Sub-regional Police.


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