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Police Coordinate Investigation into NPWP Data Breach

By Admin 1 Rabu, 25 September 2024 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta The Indonesian National Police (INP) Criminal Investigation Agency has been investigating the suspected leak of Taxpayer Identification Numbers (NPWP).

“We are working closely with related ministries and agencies,” said Brigadier General. Himawan Bayu Aji, the INP Criminal Investigation Agency Director of Cyber Crime, during a press conference on Tuesday (24/9/2024)

The National Cyber and Encryption Agency (BSSN) is involved in conducting forensic analysis. 

“We will request BSSN to perform forensic analysis, which will guide our investigation,” Chief Himawan added, as quoted by antaranews.com.

The leak, allegedly involving six million NPWP records, was disclosed on the Breach Forums site by a user named Bjorka, who offered the data for Rp150 million. The breach includes NPWPs of high-profile figures such as President Joko Widodo and his sons.

Further investigations continue, with officials validating the leaked data’s accuracy.



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