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Polygraph, One of the Influental Equipment in the Process of Criminal Investigation

By Cpiet Rabu, 07 September 2022 Pengunjung (6) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.co.id - The polygraph test using a lie detector on Richard Eliezer alias Bharada E, Ricky Rizal, and Kuat Ma'ruf shows No Deception Indicated. The results were known after the three suspects underwent a lie detector examination at the Forensic Lab Center, Sentul, Bogor, West Java. Ricky and Kuat were examined on September 5, while Richard was checked much earlier. The lie detector used by the Criminal Investigation Agency of the National Police is a polygraph machine. The lie detector was made by a medical researcher and a police officer in Berkeley, California, USA. It was later refined by another Berkeley alum, Leonarde Keeler, who first applied it to crime solving. On February 2, 1935, Keeler's polygraph test results were used in a criminal trial, marking the first time the findings were used as admissible evidence. Two men in Wisconsin failed to pass a polygraph, which eventually got them punished. A lie detector is used to assist investigators in examining criminal acts of rape and other crimes so that the investigation can run optimally. The way a lie detector works is to see your heart rate, pulse, and physical changes. If the person being examined says something true, the heart rate and pulse will work normally. However, if the person is lying, there will be physical changes in the heart rate or pulse. A polygraph, also known as a lie detector, works by measuring physiological changes that occur in the body, such as the number of breaths, heart rate, blood pressure and sudden reactions to the skin. Another method exists is by looking at changes in pupil size and brain activity, using an MRI. American Polygraph Association president Walt Goodson, who served 25 years in Texas, stressed that polygraphs were useful in helping police investigate. With polygraphs, it is very quick and easy for the police to identify the suspect in a crime and decide whether it is necessary for the police to dig up more information about a person, or to look for other potential suspects. By using the lie detector, the Police have proven that they really use a scientific investigation approach in investigating and completing the case files of the suspects in the premeditated murder case of Brigadier J. So that objectively, scientifically, and transparently results of the Police investigation related to the Duren Tiga murder can be accounted for to the public.
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