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Tag 'Agus Andrianto'


Govt. to Urge Local Entrepreneurs to Manage Local Prison Canteen Foods

Minister of Immigration and Corrections (Imipas) Agus Andrianto said that food ingredients in the canteen of the state prison (rutan) must be managed by local entrepreneurs in the area of ​​the prison.


Preventing Human Smuggling, Govt. Tightening Travel Requirements

Minister of Immigration and Corrections (Imipas) Agus Andrianto said that his ministry will add immigration administration requirements by requiring the attachment of account mutation requirements for the past year to prevent the Crime of Human Trafficking (TPPO).


Minister Agus Sends 146 Immigration Officers to Identify Areas Prone to Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling

Minister of Immigration and Corrections Agus Andrianto said that as many as 146 village immigration officers (pimpasa) will identify areas prone to Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling.


Drug Abuse Victims Must Get Rehabilitation: Minister Agus Andrianto

Minister of Immigration and Corrections Agus Andrianto stressed that victims of drug abuse should receive rehabilitation as mandated by law to tackle overcrowding in prisons.  Learn more,


Two INP Senior Officials Join the Red and White Cabinet

Two Indonesian National Police (INP) senior official have been appointed to the Red and White Cabinet. Learn more!

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