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Minister Agus Sends 146 Immigration Officers to Identify Areas Prone to Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling

By Pramudita Senin, 11 November 2024 Pengunjung (121) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Immigration and Corrections Agus Andrianto said that as many as 146 village immigration officers (pimpasa) will identify areas prone to Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling.

The task was given aside from giving education about the dangers of Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling. Moreover, the immigration officers are also tasked to socialize the immigration service to the public to suppress the number of illegal Indonesian Migrant Workers.

“Continuously we will evaluate this move, whether it needs to be reinforced, dispersed to other regions, or others. With the separation of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, we hope there will be more personnel for us to carry out these duties,” says Minister Imipas.

On the other hand, he notes that every immigrant officer will have to go through training which will be their capital before carrying out their duties. In addition, the ministry also coordinates with other ministries/institutions about programs focusing on Human Trafficking and Human Smuggling issues.

Pimpasa is one of the national scale programs from the Ministry of Immigration and Corrections in collaboration with regional governments across Indonesia. 

This program is also the embodiment of the Astacita mission initiated by President Prabowo Subianto.


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