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The Government Commits to Take Care of Indonesians in Abroad

By Admin INP Sabtu, 25 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (140) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Coordinating Minister for Law, Human Rights, Immigration, and Corrections Yusril Ihza Mahendra said that the government is committed to take care of the wellbeing of Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are being arrested abroad, especially in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia.

According to Coordinating Minister Yusril, this attention must be given after the government completes the transfer of foreign prisoners to their home countries, such as Australia and the Philippines in December 2024. Legislation related to the transfer and exchange of prisoners is also being worked on.

“Two of our concerns are Malaysia and Saudi Arabia which have arrested and sentenced our citizens to death,” explains Yusril on Friday (1/24/2025).

He says that the state will protect its citizens abroad despite the crime they commit or ideology they follow. Later on, the transfer of the Indonesian citizens will be discussed first with their families.

"We must understand that this is the Government's attitude. The government cannot despise or favor some of their people. It (the Government) must do something equal: protection for all their citizens. Whatever their mistake, whatever their ideology, the government must protect their citizens," explains Coordinating Minister Yusril.


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