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Tourism Minister Thanked INP for Quick Response of Handling DWP Extortion Case

By Pramudita Senin, 23 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (184) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Tourism Minister Widiyanti Putri Wardhana thanked the Indonesian National Police (INP) for their quick and stern action in handling extortion during the Djakarta Warehouse Project (DWP) concert sometime ago.

“We gave our highest appreciation to INP, particularly the Police Professional and Security Division, for their quick action in investigating this case and has secured the 18 unlawful police members alleged of committing the extortion,” says Widiyanti in her statement on Monday (12/23/2024).

This incident, she said, was very regrettable as apart from being detrimental, it also clearly gave a negative image amidst the government's major efforts to promote Indonesia as a world-class tourist destination.

The Ministry of Tourism (Kemenpar) itself has previously coordinated with related parties including event promoters and the police to immediately follow up and take the necessary steps since the information and concerns from tourists emerged to the public.

"The Ministry of Tourism apologizes for the inconvenience and impact caused by this incident," explained the Minister of Tourism.

On the other hand, Widiyanti praised that police's quick steps showed a strong commitment to presenting quality and sustainable tourism.


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