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Vice Minister Nezar Patria Stressed Three Values to be Implemented in Eradicating Online Gambling

By Cpiet Rabu, 24 April 2024 Pengunjung (30) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Vice Minister of Communication and Informatics Nezar Patria stressed three values implemented by his parties in eradicating online gambling.

“The order from the President is to eradicate online gambling. And I would stress three values that should be implemented by us, first is to maintain integrity, second is trust, and lastly is loyalty,” says Nezar on Tuesday (4/23/2024).

Nezar highlights that the advancement of online gambling is concerning as it claimed many victims.

He says that the online gambling money flow has reached IDR 347 trillion per year, which mostly came from the low-class citizens, from housewives, truck drivers, motorcycle taxi drivers, to local shops. Their lives were ruined because of online gambling.

Furthermore, Nezar appreciates the efforts of the Ministry of Communication and Information staff in its combat against online gambling and reminds them to continue.

Meanwhile, the central government also plans to form an integrated task force to combat online gambling. The goal of the task force is to resolve the online gambling issue more thoroughly by solidifying coordination between ministries and institutions involved.


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