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West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police Prepares for Two Important Events in Bali

By Pramudita Minggu, 01 September 2024 Pengunjung (22) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Mataram. The West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police assigned 300 personnel for the Imbangan Puri Agung II Operation to secure the 2nd Indonesia-Africa Forum (IAF) Summit and High Level Forum on Multi Stakeholders Partnership (HLF MSP) in Bali. 

During the personnel rally in Bharadaksa Field of West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police, the Director of Vital Object Security, Senior Superintendent Suprayitno, underscores that all personnel are obliged to give their best in carrying out their duty, from the security of the port to the airport.

“This is important to ensure traffic security and smoothness during the event,” notes Suprayitno.

Furthermore, he instructs the assigned personnel to anticipate the threats from individuals or groups that may threaten the event in Bali. High alert is important to prevent the disturbances that may affect the event.

“We have to be extra careful towards terrorist indicated groups. This step is taken to eliminate all potential threats that may disturb the event,” he continued.

With all preparations that have been made, the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police is sure that they can create a conducive situation for the 2nd IAF Summit and HLF MSP in Bali.


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