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15 Recommended Tourist Destination in Nusa Penida

By Cpiet Jumat, 07 Oktober 2022 Pengunjung (11) 4 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – Nusa Penida is one of the tourist destinations that should not be missed if you are traveling to Bali. Nusa Penida itself is an island located in the southeastern part of Bali. In 2020, Nusa Penida won the award as the best backpacker destination from Hostelworld. This island which is surrounded by many other small islands has a lot of charm that is a pity to miss. There are 15 tourist attractions in Nusa Penida, Bali that can be recommendations for your vacation. Nusa Penida Island, dubbed as the Golden Egg of Bali or Bali's golden egg, is very famous for its beauty, so it is a must-visit destination when traveling to Bali. To get to Nusa Penida, tourists must cross from mainland Bali using a fast boat or private boat. For fast boats, tourists will cross from Sanur Beach Harbor. There are approximately 19 ship operators that are ready to help you cross the sea to Nusa Penida Island. As for private vehicles, tourists must cross at the port in Klungkung. Here are 15 recommended tourist attractions in Nusa Penida which are summarized from several sources: 1. Angel's Billabong Billabong itself is taken from English which means the end of a dead-end river and this location is the last estuary of the river in Nusa Penida. Tourists could also swim and enjoy the cool water. The natural beauty of Angel’s Billabong tempted many tourists to come over. However, you are strictly prohibited to come when the tide is high. 2. Atuh Beach This beach is also a favourite destinations for those who loves beautiful natural views. It has amazing views because of its rocks formation and its beautiful nature. Moreover, this beach has a beautiful sight of the sea from the top of the cliff. 3. Giri Putri Cave The cave has narrow entrance, enough for few people to enter. But after exploring going inside, the cave shows its beauty. 4. Tembeling Springs Tembeling Beach is located between hills and forests as well as surrounded by steep cliffs. Therefore, it makes the beach far from the civilizations because how hidden it is. 5. Suwehan Beach Suwehan Beach has the charm of a blue sea view combined with a stretch of white sand that is so smooth on the feet. In addition, you will also find the famous triangular rock. 6. Smoke Beach Smoke Beach is one of the beaches in Bali that is visited by many tourists. Not only the name is unique, the scenery at Smoke Beach is also very exotic. 7. The Yellow Bridge You will be immediately taken in a nuance of the waters that are widely used by fishermen or several cargo ships that always pass underneath. 8. Seganing Waterfall This waterfall is located in a dry hilly area, hidden under a steep cliff and directly adjacent to the sea, 9. Manta Point Manta Point is the most beautiful spot where the clear water of the sea makes you able to see the fish playing along in the coral reefs. Often several groups of stingrays come to the surface, makes snorkelers easy to see the beauty of the stingrays dancing on the sea. 10. Temple Point Presents the historical statues under the sea and have been in the water for more than 100 years. 11. Teletubbies Hill This area offers really epic hill views. The expanse of green grass can spoil your eyes. The air is also fresh, and can make your holiday more pleasant. 12. Crystal Bay Beach The white sand and blue sea water makes this tourist destination even more charming. 13. Paluang Temple Paluang Temple is one of the educational tourist destinations that is suitable for those of you who are on vacation with family 14. Peguyangan Waterfall This waterfall has a charming view. Many travelers say that this destination is a Natural Spa because there is a small swimming pool formed from natural rocks. The water that comes down from the rock can also provide a massage to your body because the water discharge is quite heavy. 15. Underground House Gala This house was built by an ascetic who only used simple tools for 15 years.
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