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879 Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police Personnel Deployed to Secure Election Process

By Pramudita Minggu, 01 September 2024 Pengunjung (140) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Kendari. The Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police deploys 879 personnel to secure the office of General Election Commission (KPU) on the election candidate registration day.

The Head Ops of Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police, Senior Superintendent Tumpal Damayus says that all personnel on duty will focus on securing the election agenda.

Damayus says on the last day of the election candidate registration, police are stationed around the registration place to ensure safety and order at the location.

“So, anticipation in the security process has been prepared long before this day,” said Damayus.

The hundreds of personnel also have been deployed to strategic locations to prevent any security disturbances during the election process.

Furthermore, Damayus also tried to guarantee the safety of the election candidates and the situation during the election by forming a Liaison Officer from the Southeast Sulawesi Regional Police for each candidate to guide and appeal to them to follow the election process conducively.


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