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A Rapist Under Influence of Alcohol Have Been Secured by the Police

By Cpiet Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – A young woman with a disability, aged 23, was raped at her home on Penguin Street, Bukit Tunggal Village, Jekan Raya District, Palangka Raya City. "It happened on Saturday, October 1st, 2022 at the woman's house," said the Head of the Women and Children Protection Unit, Aiptu Noto Sulistyo, Friday (7/10/2022). Aiptu. Noto Sulistyo explained that at the time of the incident, the woman was alone in her house while her parents are working outside. At that time, the rapist was having a liquor party at his colleague's place behind the woman's house. Under the influence of liquors, the rapist went to the woman’s house and played with her dog. Curious what happened outside her house, the victim opened the door and the perpetrator immediately approached the victim. However, the victim got scared and closed the door. The suspect then knocked on the door and the woman opened it again. The rapist asked the woman if he can urinate in her bathroom, which the woman allows. However, the perpetrator pulled the victim into a room and raped her there. Finding out what had happened to their girl, the parents reported the incident to the Palangka Raya Police. With the help of CCTV footage, the perpetrator was finally arrested. "The perpetrators are subject to Article 285 junto Article 286 concerning rape with a maximum penalty of 12 years in prison," he explained.
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