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A Total of 75,000 Regular Hajj Visas Have Been Issued: Religion Ministry Says

By Cpiet Jumat, 26 April 2024 Pengunjung (18) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Religion Ministry announced a total of 75,572 regular hajj visas have been completed on Wednesday. The pilgrims will fly from Indonesia to Mecca, Saudi Arabia on May 12th, 2024.

“Alhamdulillah, as of today there are 75,572 regular hajj visas have been completed. The visa completion process is very much ongoing until all pilgrims' visas are completed,” says the Director of Domestic Hajj Service, Saiful Mujab on Thursday (4/25/2024).

Saiful says that as of this year, the number of hajj pilgrims in Indonesia is 221,000. Moreover, Indonesia also got an additional quota of 20,000 pilgrims. This brings the total quota of Indonesia hajj pilgrims to 241,000, with 213,320 regular hajj pilgrims and 27,680 special hajj pilgrims.

According to Director Saiful, the process of making a visa begins with data and document input of the pilgrim to the Religion Ministry. As of now, there are 216,692 pilgrim data in the system.

“Their data have been verified to be proposed for the completion of their visas. We remind people not to be swayed by the invitation of hajj through ummal visa, tourist visa, and others,” said Saiful.


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