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Agriculture Ministry Projects Food Self-Sufficiency in Wanam Village, Merauke

By Pramudita Selasa, 26 November 2024 Pengunjung (191) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Agriculture continues to be committed to realizing national food self-sufficiency and improving the welfare of indigenous peoples in Indonesia.

This effort was demonstrated by the working visit of the Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman to Wanam Village, Ilwayab District, Merauke Regency, South Papua Province.

Minister Amran said that the food self-sufficiency program is not only a matter of food, but also a means for indigenous people to feel the welfare of agricultural activities.

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's join hands to improve the welfare of the people of Wanam Village, the people of Merauke. We are brothers, we are all the same, so we help each other and work together to improve our welfare," said Minister of Agriculture Amran on Monday (11/25/2024).

During his visit, Minister of Agriculture Amran directly reviewed the rice field in Wanam Village and the readiness of the Wanam Food Battalion Troops.

He said that the Ministry of Agriculture is ready to provide assistance and support land processing activities for the rice field printing location.

He projected that Kampung Wanam would become a center for economic growth involving the surrounding community, where previously the Ministry of Agriculture had pioneered it in Kurik District with promising results.

For the Kampung Wanam area, his party is not only encouraging rice planting, but also horticultural commodities and other commodities that are usually planted by the community.

He ensured that the planting was supported by a number of agricultural tools, including four-wheeled and two-wheeled tractors, so that it is expected to facilitate the land processing process that previously relied on manual labor.


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