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Election Logistics Distribution Begun to be Moved

By Pramudita Selasa, 26 November 2024 Pengunjung (177) 1 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Head of General Election Commission (KPU) Mochammad Afiffudin says that the election logistics distribution to polling stations have begun today, November 25th, 2024.

“From today to tomorrow, the election logistics have been distributed to the polling stations," he said after conducting a video conference  with all regional KPU at the Indonesian National Police (INP) Headquarters, South Jakarta, on Monday (11/25/2024).

The KPU Chairman emphasized that all regional KPUs are certainly ready to face the upcoming voting day on November 27th, 2024. However, he reminded again that public participation is very important.

The KPU Chairman admitted that the distribution of logistics was greatly assisted by the Indonesian Military and INP who prioritized their escort to the outermost, farthest, and deepest areas.

According to the KPU Chairman, areas that have just been hit by a disaster are also a challenge in themselves, one of which is Lewotobi. However he assures that the victims of the eruption of Mount Lewotobi can still exercise their right to vote even though they are in evacuation.


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