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Anticipating Omicron, Regional Police Chief Supports the Governor of East Java to Form an Inspection Task Force at the Juanda Airport Entrance

By Cpiet Kamis, 30 Desember 2021 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Surabaya. East Java Regional Police Chief, Pol. Inspector-General Nico Afinta Karo-Karo, supports the program of the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa, informing an Inspection Task Force for foreign travellers to anticipate the Omicron Virus at the Juanda Airport Entrance Surabaya, Monday (12/27/2021). In his explanation, the East Java Regional Police Chief said that to anticipate the spread of the Omicron virus in East Java province, we have prepared a Task Force issued by the Governor of East Java. Military Regional Command as chairman, I am deputy chairman and Provincial Secretary's second vice chairman, which several Task Forces support. This task force was formed to conduct inspections for foreign travel agents who enter through Juanda Airport, and there are two foreign travellers. The first is Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) and non-Indonesian Migrant Workers. This task force was formed, which will later work to regulate the mechanism for foreign travellers at Juanda Airport. Later the placement will be according to the distribution of Indonesian Migrant Workers and non-MigrantWorkers. Later, the first mechanism for Indonesian Migrant Workers will be an inspection of immigration documents, then an inspection of goods, placed at four points, the largest of which is the Hajj Dormitory, Sukolilo, Surabaya. The total capacity is 1991, including the spare. Then in the Hajj Dormitory, a PCR test was carried out. "We have prepared the mechanism for transportation from the National Armed Forces, National Police and Provincial Government, which will also later carry the Damri Bus," added the East Java Regional Police Chief. "For overseas travellers, we ask that they can use the PeduliLindungi application to confirm their arrival at the airport one week before departure or three days in advance. So that the teams who are members of this task force know before their arrival so that later they can be checked and plans can be made for the person concerned," concluded the East Java Regional Police Chief.
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