- Banjarmasin. South Kalimantan Regional Police patrols the markets to inspect the MinyaKita oil contents that are sold in the market.
The police official, Superintendent Amin Rovi, says that the inspection aims to ensure that the cooking oil sold in the market is in accordance with the established packaging and weight standards.
Amin also explains that this operation is part of the preventive and preemptive actions to prevent the price spiking of the cooking oil during Ramadan.
“We want to make sure that people can get this cooking oil at an affordable price and according to its standard. We will continue to monitor its availability in the market along with other basic necessities,” says Amin Ravi.
Other than inspecting the cooking oil, the police team also educates the retailers to not commit any illegal practice or spiking up the price.
"We urge traders to maintain price stability and not take excessive profits, especially in this blessed month of Ramadan," said Amin Rovi.
The South Kalimantan Police Food Task Force will continue to conduct similar supervision and checks in various locations in South Kalimantan to ensure the availability and stability of staple food prices during the month of Ramadan and ahead of Eid al-Fitr.
People are also urged to report if they find hoarding practices or unreasonable price increases through the complaint channels that have been provided.