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Bali Police Chief Urges Against Political Involvement

By Cpiet Kamis, 18 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (17) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Denpasar. During the Bali Regional Police coordination meeting on Wednesday (17/1/2023), Bali Police Chief Inspector General Ida Bagus Kade Putra Narendra called on his subordinates not to engage in politics. "No police officers should be involved in election-related crimes," he said during his address. Chief Bagus Putra expressed confidence in the Bali Police officers  and their commitment to carrying out their duties to the best of their abilities. However, he asserted that such efforts would be in vain if there were individuals violating regulations or engaging in practical politics. Chief Bagus Putra emphasized the need for other measures, including the safeguarding of election logistics distribution activities. Furthermore, he highlighted  the importance of intensifying the cooling system, such as promoting peace declarations, prioritizing preventive efforts before enforcement actions, and enhancing the quality of service for public complaints and police reports. "To all senior officials and personnel of the Bali Regional Police, always do good and carry out your duties according to standard operation procedure. We must respond properly every public complaint, whether directly or through social media," he remarked. (mg/my/pr/nm)
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