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Baznas Sets 2025 Zakat Collection Target at Rp 50 Trillion

By Admin 1 Minggu, 29 September 2024 Pengunjung (4) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta.   The National Amil Zakat Agency (Baznas) aimed to collect Rp50 trillion in zakat, infak, and sedekah (ZIS) funds across Indonesia in 2025. 

Zakat is an obligatory form of almsgiving for Muslims, while infak and sedekah are voluntary contributions intended to help the less fortunate.  Baznas is responsible for managing the collected ZIS funds.

During the 2024 National Coordination Meeting of Baznas on Saturday (28/9/2024). .Baznas Chairman Noor Achmad said that the 2025 target is an increase from 2024’s Rp41 trillion target, which is nearly achieved despite the year not yet over. 

For next year, the agency expects to reach 84 million beneficiaries, including lifting 1.8 million people out of poverty.

"We are on track to achieve the 2024 target. Thus, we’ve agreed to aim for Rp50 trillion next year," Noor said, as quoted by antaranews.com..

To meet this goal, Baznas will focus on data-driven strategies, ensuring support for 3.4 million zakat recipients identified by name and address. The agency will also collaborate with law enforcement to ensure trustworthy management of ZIS funds.



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