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Chief of Indonesian National Police: Serve, protect, and pay attention to the community's sense of justice.

By Cpiet Senin, 03 Januari 2022 Pengunjung (7) 6 Mins Read
JAKARTA - Chief of Indonesian National Police, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, stressed to all police personnel in carrying out their duties to never forget their primary responsibility to serve, protect and protect the community. This was conveyed by Sigit while leading the handover ceremony for the seven Chiefs of Regional Police at the Rupatama Building at the Indonesian National Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Wednesday (29/12/2021). "Remind, remind, remind, that we must to provide services, to the main task of protecting, nurturing and serving the community. In his directive, this is actually our doctrine and duty from the beginning," said Sigit. The former Chief of Regional Police explained that his basic duties as law enforcement officers must always be instilled daily. Bearing in mind, said Sigit, that recently, there are still hashtags appearing on social media regarding public perceptions of the Indonesian National Police. According to Sigit, the emergence of Hashtag must be addressed with concrete steps to improve the Patrolman Corps institution so that the violation does not occur again. "Instill it every day. Give an example, go to the field, check if everything is going well. If there are deficiencies, make corrections," said the former Indonesian National Police-Criminal Investigation Agency. The current Indonesian National Police, Sigit emphasized, is not an anti-critical institution. Instead, it becomes input from the community as an evaluation and improvement material towards an Indonesian National Police that is getting better and loved by the community. "There is criticism from the community we accept as part of our evaluation to bring the institution to be much better. Therefore, keep the Indonesian National Police, not anti-criticism. Still, we will continue to improve to become a modern organization and an organization that is always changing to be better," said Sigit. According to Sigit, improvements must continue in the future. This is to maintain the positive trend of several survey institutions releasing the level of trust and performance of the Indonesian National Police, which has improved much better. He asked all Indonesian National Police personnel not to be complacent with the good survey results. Instead, according to him, this must be motivated to continue maintaining the good and improving all forms of existing deficiencies. Sigit ensured that he would give rewards to members of the police who work hard, excel, and are earnest in carrying out their duties to serve, protect, and protect the community. But, on the other hand, Sigit will not hesitate to give strict sanctions to officers who violate or work not by the rules. "Several survey results put the Indonesian National Police in good order. But, thank God, we are still in that position with the current situation. And I hope this will motivate me to make improvements and continue to be improved. This is part of the task of colleagues, maintaining the authority of the law and Indonesian National Police institution," said Sigit. Therefore, Sigit emphasized providing excellent and best service to people who need the role of the Indonesian National Police in seeking justice. However, he was instructed not to be indiscriminate in carrying out the law enforcement process in Indonesia. "Maintain the authority of the institution, enforce the law and give a sense of justice and pay attention to the small people who have been longing for a sense of justice. We are quick to respond to things like that. Ensure they get the same service and don't discriminate against the little people. Sensitive, matters of concern, please be carried out quickly," said Sigit. On the other hand, Sigit reminded all Chiefs of Regional Police to continue to control the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, it is currently entering the 2022 New Year holiday period. This readiness, said Sigit, is anticipating the spread of the new variant of Covid-19, Omicron, which the Ministry of Health has announced to enter Indonesia. Therefore, Sigit instructed all Chiefs of Regional Police who have low vaccination achievements in their regions to immediately race to achieve the 70 per cent vaccination target as directed by President Joko Widodo. "Therefore, the steps that must be taken are to catch up and accelerate vaccination in each region. There are 13 provinces that I monitor. Five provinces are likely to reach 70 per cent. There are still eight more I hope to catch up on the conditions of each region. For those who are still left behind, take appropriate steps and strategies to carry out accelerated vaccination. Therefore, we can do what we can to prevent the next spike, "said Sigit. According to Sigit, vaccination will increase immunity and reduce fatalities for people exposed to the coronavirus. In addition, the acceleration of vaccination is also a preparation for the national and international events that will be held in Indonesia. "Please, for the Chief of Regional Police whose area is the place to carry out the event, prepare well from manage So that in time we guard and oversee the implementation of the G20 presidency. Indonesia has the honour of being the host, and we must oversee this so that everything goes successfully. Take care not to until there is a conflict, an explosion that can disrupt the presidential process. Please do a mapping of the existing potential and our readiness if it is not optimal, "said Sigit. To prevent the new variant of Omicron, Sigit hopes that all Chiefs of Regional Police will monitor the entrance routes to Indonesia, such as Airports, Ports and State Cross Border Posts. In addition, enforcement of health protocols for International Travelers must be strengthened. Especially the mandatory quarantine period. Sigit also asked the Chief of Regional Police ranks to anticipate and prepare for natural disasters. Indonesian National Police personnel must be present and act quickly to help the community because it represents the presence of the state. Not to forget, Sigit again reminded President Jokowi's message for the police to oversee the investment climate in Indonesia because it can increase economic growth amid the Covid-19 Pandemic. "Avoid the police being a barrier to investment. I remind you, guard and make sure it's safe until you feel what the government hopes for. In licensing issues, assist in completing, and existing Micro, small and medium enterprises can grow. Control the use of the State budget both in the regions, in strategic sectors, so that its use is right on target and there is no leakage," said Sigit. Finally, Sigit emphasized that the police must maintain the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation when facing the political situation that develops in 2022. The democratic party that will take place in Indonesia must run safely and peacefully and not cause division among the nation's children. "Election democracy is part of the democratic process that must be implemented so that it becomes a healthy political education. It does not cause the condition of our nation to be divided. This is discussed with traditional, religious, or other community leaders to commit that democracy is allowed, different situations and choices. But the issue of unity and integrity is maintained," concluded Sigit.
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