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Chief Patrige Led a Meeting Discussing the Separation of Central Papua Regional Police

By Admin INP Selasa, 07 Januari 2025 Pengunjung (111) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Chief of the Papua Regional Police, Inspector General Patrige R. Renwarin, accompanied by the Deputy Chief of the Papua Regional Police, Brigadier General Faizal Ramadhani held a Discussion Meeting related to the Separation of the Central Papua Regional Police which was held at the Papua Regional Police Headquarters, Koya Koso on Monday (1/6/2025).

The meeting aims to ensure the smooth transition of operations and management of human resources and logistics, in order to support the establishment of the Central Papua Regional Police which is effective and efficient in carrying out police duties in the region.

On his occasion, Patrige said that the Papua Regional Police had been split into the Central Papua Regional Police, while the other three provinces are still within the Papua Police. 

Today's discussion will be more specific and in-depth, aiming to support the operations of the Central Papua Regional Police.

"This year, we must determine the target to be achieved. The determination of the target will be based on a joint study, and each work unit must include its target in its respective planning," said the Papua Regional Police Chief.

Furthermore, Patrige said that the Papua Regional Police is the biggest regional police institution in the country. If their competent members are sent to the new police force, it is detrimental for their force.

"Whatever the reason, if our competent members are transferred to the new police force, I am sure they will have difficulties because they do not have enough experience in the new area," he added.

In his remarks, Partridge underlines the importance of evaluation whether his party has done the proper recruitment or not.

"In 2025, we need to evaluate whether we have conducted recruitment according to needs or not," he concluded.


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