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Children of Cianjur Resumed Their Education After Their School Got Destroyed

By Cpiet Sabtu, 03 Desember 2022 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - The children returns to schools after more than a week unable to do so after an earthquake hits Cianjur, and destroyed their schools. Although the situation is not completely return to normal, and also being limited in various kinds, the enthusiasm of the children to study is high. This could be seen in the children who studied at emergency tent that was built in Junior High School Cugenang 1 Basketball field, Friday (12/2). Heni, one of the parents from Manjunkerja Village, who accompanied her child to study and play at the the emergency tents, says that her childs often seems bored at home. “I take my child here so that my child could keep up with the subject materials, and also so that he would not be bored. Here, he have a lot of friends and could study and play together,” said Heni quoted from infopublik.id. The students that study at the emergency tents includes those from Kindergartens, Elementary students, and Junior High students. Before beginning to study, they have a morning exercise for ten minutes, and then they begin to study according to their level. At afternoon and in the evening, most of them went to study quran and join joint prayers with the others.
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