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Police Stressed No Extortions to Volunteers at Cianjur

By Cpiet Sabtu, 03 Desember 2022 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id - Police stressed the local community to not commit to any extortion to the volunteers who have been willingly sacrifice their time and wealth to help the victims of Cianjur Earthquake. The Head of Sub-Section of Information and Documentation Processing of Cianjur Police, Ipda Nanang Sunarya says “We have already implored the community to coordinate with the village officials to get their aids”. On the other hand, the Personnel of Cianjur Traffic Police carried out security operations on the traffic at Cugenang main road to monitor and secure the situation. Those operations is part of their service in maintaining safety, security, and order in the road “We also implored bike drivers to always drive safely and carefully, and also to always to obey the traffic laws,” he said.
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