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Communication and Digital Ministry to Regulate Digital Platform of Improving Security for Children

By Admin INP Jumat, 28 Februari 2025 Pengunjung (128) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Communication and Digital regulates platforms to improve technology, especially in terms of security to protect children in the digital space.

Minister Meutya Hafid said that this regulation will later be included in the regulation on child protection in the digital space which is currently still in the development stage and gathering discussions from various related parties in the regulation including children.

"Children are increasingly vulnerable to becoming victims of online fraud. Digital platforms can no longer ignore this issue. They must take the responsibility of maintaining the security of users, especially children. This new regulation will ensure that there is an increase in security technology and more massive education from platforms to the public," said the Minister of Communication and Digital on Thursday (2/27/2025).

In refining the draft government regulation, Minister Meutya also received a visit from dozens of 6th grade students of Cikal Lebak Bulus Elementary School.

The visit of the elementary school children was also part of the school's program called the Primary Years Program (PYP) which aims to increase children's critical thinking towards social issues, including digital crime.

In welcoming the visit of the children, Meutya stated that the government has presented several regulations to ensure PSE compliance, some of which are PP Number 71 of 2019 and Permen Kominfo Number 5 of 2020, which require platforms such as Google, Facebook, and TikTok to register and be verified.

Even so, according to her, this is not enough to overcome digital crime. In ensuring the safety of children in the digital space, she also emphasized the importance of digital literacy and highlight it as the key to preventing potential cybercrime.

"In the digital world, as in the real world, there are good people and bad people. Regulation and law enforcement are important, but public awareness and digital intelligence must also continue to be improved," said the Minister of Communication and Information.


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