- Jakarta. The Indonesian National Police (INP) Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stated that efforts to prevent polarization in the 2024 simultaneous regional elections continue to be carried out. One of them is by continuing to hold the Nusantara Cooling System Operation.
"Of course we are concerned about the potential polarization that will occur as the election will be held simultaneously across the country. Thus, in anticipating it, we are holding the Nusantara Cooling System Task Force," explained General Sigit in a meeting with Commission III of the DPR at the MPR/DPR/DPD RI building on Monday (11/11/2024).
General Sigit said that the results of the 2024 Global Risk Report survey showed that misinformation and disinformation were the main cause of polarization during the regional elections. INP has also made a number of efforts to mitigate polarization.
The Chief of Police further said that his staff also collaborated with the Communication and Digital Ministry in blocking fake news contents. The police will also promote a grand narrative of maintaining unity above group interests during the simultaneous regional election process.
He explained that the efforts that have been made so far are in the form of visits, socialization and cyber patrols. His staff has also promoted efforts to maintain unity above group interests.
General Sigit further said that the counter-polarization steps could reduce polarization according to the survey. Even so, the Chief of Police said that his party continues to be committed to eradicating this problem as it has not completely disappeared.