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Dirlantas Polda Jatim Conducts an Inspection at Mangkreng Kediri to Anticipate Congestion

By Cpiet Sabtu, 30 April 2022 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – Ahead of the celebration of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijriah. The people of East Jaya gradually left East Java for their homecoming trip, either by motorbikes or cars, via arterial or toll roads. To ensure that there is no overcrowding on the route used for Eid homecoming this year, the Director of Traffic (Dirlantas) of East java Police (Polda Jatim) Commissioner Latif Usman, S.I.K., M.Hum., along with the high officials (PJU) of Polda Jatim, conducted a review on both toll roads and arterial routes. Dirlantas Polda Jatim revealed the data from toll road managers, that the number of vehicles who came from last night until now is already around 15,000, an increase from yesterday. "We are still waiting for tonight until tomorrow, which is estimated to be the peak of the homecoming flow," explained Dirlantas Polda Jatim, on Friday (29/04/22). Like in Mengkreng, the route which becomes a national concern is still running smoothly. Hopefully, it will continue to be like that until the operation is complete. "But we will anticipate in the Day and D+3 because the activity of the community to visit their relatives is very high," added Dirlantas Polda Jatim. "As for the One-Way on the East Java toll road, we continue to monitor and adjust to the condition on the field because we won't take any risks. If there is an increase, there will be certain systems will be implemented. But for now, it is still not necessary," explained Dirlantas Polda Jatim. If there is an extraordinary increase, we will implement a one-way system. The flow of toll and arterial management must be balanced. As for the number of cars that enter East Java, usually is around 6,000, but now it has reached 15,000. Meanwhile, the density in East Java is still evenly distributed, as in Mengkreng, there is no a density but a cross occurs in three areas, however, it is predicted that tourist areas will be dense.
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