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Putin Is Still Not Clear on Attending G20 Virtually or Directly

By Cpiet Sabtu, 30 April 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.polri.go.id – The Kremlin said Russian President Vladimir Putin has not decided whether to attend directly or virtually at the G20 summit which will take place in Bali in November. This was stated by the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, on Friday (29/04/22). According to him, Russia is still preparing for the meeting of the international forum. The Kremlin statement came after Indonesian President Joko Widodo said Putin would attend the G20. Putin said he would be present when speaking with Jokowi by telephone on Thursday (28/4). “President Putin expressed his gratitude for the invitation to the G20 summit and he said he would attend," Jokowi said in a virtual press conference on Friday (29/4). President of the Republic of Indonesia J Ir. H. Joko Widodo also emphasized that the war should be ended immediately and continued to call for peace efforts. He admitted that his party was ready to be involved in the peaceful efforts of this conflict. "Indonesia is ready to contribute to the peaceful effort," he continued. Recently, Indonesia has been in the spotlight as the G20 presidency will be held amidst the Russian invasion of Ukraine. RI decided to continue to invite Russia as a member of the G20 to the forum which will be held next November in Bali despite criticism from the West. The U.S threatened that it will boycott the event if Russia is coming to the G20 presidency. This kind of response was also followed by Canada and Australia. The Prime Minister of Australia even said that he does not want to be at the same table with Putin if he really came to the G20 Presidency.
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