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Eight Senior Police Officers Appointed as Cyber Crime Directors

By Admin 1 Senin, 23 September 2024 Pengunjung (14) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta.  Indonesian National Police (INP) Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has appointed eight senior officers to lead the newly formed Cyber Crime Directorates (Dirressiber) at eight regional police headquarters  to enhance efforts in tackling the increasing number of cybercrime cases.

“With the growing threat of cybercrime, the police continue to strengthen our structure by establishing cybercrime units in eight regional police headquarters,” said INP Public Relations Division Head of Public Information Bureau Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko on Sunday (22/9/2024).

The decision was made official through a telegram issued on 20 September 2024, which named the following officers:

  1. Superintendent Doni Satria Sembiring – North Sumatra Regional Police

  2. Senior Superintendent Setyo K. Heriyanto – Jakarta Metro Jaya Regional Police

  3. Superintendent Resza Ramadiansyah – West Java Regional Police

  4. Senior Superintendent  Himawan Sutanto Saragoh – Central Java Regional Police

  5. Senior Superintendent  R. Bagoes Wibisono Handoyo – East Java Regional Police

  6. Superintendent Ranefli Dian Candra – Bali Regional Police

  7. Superintendent Taufik Sugih Adhadi – Central Sulawesi Regional Police

  8. Superintendent Syansyrujak – Papua Regional Police

The Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform approved the creation of these cybercrime units in late 2023, a move that was also supported by the police leadership to improve cybercrime investigation capabilities.



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