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INP Chief Appoints Women, Children, and Human Trafficking Crime Director

By Admin 1 Senin, 23 September 2024 Pengunjung (15) 2 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta.  Indonesian National Police (INP)  Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo has appointed Brigadier General Desy Andriani as the Director of Women and Children’s Crimes (PPA) and Human Trafficking Crimes (PPO) under the INP Criminal Investigation Agency.

“It demonstrates the INP Chief’s commitment to justice for women, children, and vulnerable groups,” said Brigadier General Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, theI INP Public Relations Division head of Police Public Information Bureau, said  on Sunday.


Prior to this role, Chief Desy served as the INP Chief Psychologist. The formation of the PPA and PPO Directorate aligns with the growing need for specialized units in these areas.

In addition to the appointment of Chief Desy, Chief Sigit  also appointed four new regional police chiefs:

  1. Inspector General. Andi Rian R. Djajadi, formerly the South Sulawesi Regional Police Chief, now assigned as the South Sumatra Regional Police Chief

  2. Inspector General Yudhiawan Wibisono, previously the North Sulawesi Regional Police Chief, now taking over as the South Sulawesi Regional Police 

  3. Inspector General Roycke Harry Langie, who served as the INP Head of Community Guidance and Development, is now theNorth Sulawesi Regional Police Chief.

  4. Inspector General Hadi Gunawan, formerly the INP Chief Expert Staff to the INP National Police Chief, has been appointed the West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police Chief.




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