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Following Landslide Disaster, Minister Basuki Will Temporary Repair the Bocimi Toll Road

By Cpiet Sabtu, 06 April 2024 Pengunjung (11) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id – Jakarta. The Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR), Mochamad Basuki Hadimoeljono during his review of Bocimi Toll Road ensures that his party will do its best in temporary repair of Bocimi Toll Road following the landslide at KM 64. Basuki says that the temporary handling has been carried out with the installation of piles to strengthen the collapsed part of the bridge embankment. “For our action in the next three days, we will install a sheet pile and will cover it from rain,” says Basuki on Friday (4/5/2024). Furthermore, later on Monday, his party will return and will conduct a weight test as they tried to make sure B path still can be used for one-way. In his statement, he says that the use of B path could help disperse traffic jams from Jakarta-Ciawi-Cigombong to Parungkuda/Cibadak. “For its technical operation, we will coordinate with the police party. Same goes for the return flow going towards Jakarta,” said Basuki. On the other hand, to ensure the security of Bocimi Toll Road, Basuki says that his party will conduct thorough review and inspection. Particularly in places prone to landslide. (ad/fa/pr/nm)
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