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For 10 Days, Aceh Police Solved 17 Cases of Fuel Oil Hoards

By Cpiet Senin, 05 September 2022 Pengunjung (7) 2 Mins Read
inp.poplri.go.id - The Aceh Regional Police succeeded in uncovering 17 cases of misuse of subsidized fuel oil with 7,182 liters of evidence as evidence which is the total fuel oil that has been confiscated from August 24 to September 4, 2022. "In a matter of 10 days, there were 17 cases with evidence that was secured more than seven tons of subsidized fuel," explained the Director of Special Crime Investigation of Aceh Police, Commissioner Sony Sanjaya, Sunday (04/09/22). Police Commissioner. Sony Sanjaya detailed that the disclosure was carried out several places such as at Banda Aceh in where they confiscated 900 liters of subsidized fuel oil, while at Aceh Tamiang the authorities solved two cases by confiscated 425 liters of subsidized fuel oil. In North Aceh, two cases with 525 liters of susidized fuel oil has been handled by the police. For East Aceh two cases with an evidence of 276 liters fuel oil and a case in Bireuen with 1,080 liters fuel oil has been secured by the police. Lastly, the Pidie Police also able to secure 155 liters fuel oil able to be resolved. Then he continued that Gayo Lues Police also able to confiscate 230 liter subsidized fuel oil, and also Aceh Jaya who confiscated 211 liter of subsidized fuel oil and South Aceh who confiscated 2,280 liter of fuel oil from their disclosure in two hoarding cases. There are also a case in Langsa where the police confiscated 390 liters of subsidized fuel oil, and in Subulussalam with 120 liters of subsidized fuel oil. Nagan Raya Police also able to disclosed two cases of fuel oil hoarding and confiscated 590 liter of it. “In total, there are 17 cases of fuel oil hoardings with the total evidence of seven tons in weight, or 7,182 liters of subsidized fuel oil,” said the Aceh Regional Police Intermediate Officer. Commissioner Sony Sanjaya said that of the 17 cases, 23 perpetrators had been arrested and were undergoing legal processes.
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