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Govt. to Push Women Role in Developing Economic Growth

By Pramudita Senin, 23 Desember 2024 Pengunjung (91) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. Minister of Creative Economy Teuku Riefky Harsya is making maximum efforts to encourage the contribution of women, especially housewives, to support the economy by presenting the "Emak-Emak Matic" (Technology Literate Mothers) program.

The Minister of Creative Economy said that BPS data in 2023 stated that the number of productive-age women in Indonesia reached 84.5 million people.

"However, 43 percent of them are not included in the workforce, which is actually a great potential to support economic growth. In response to this challenge, the Ministry of Creative Economy launched the Emak-Emak Matic program," said Minister Teuku.

This training program aims to empower women to earn additional income, one of which is by becoming content creators in their respective regions. Riefky said that seeing the huge opportunities in the content creator industry, women, especially housewives (IRT) can contribute to the economy without having to leave their household responsibilities.

In this program, participants will be trained in digital skills training, education about opportunities in the economic sector, and provide support to be content creators.

The Minister of Creative Economy hopes that the knowledge provided by the experts can be utilized optimally in supporting women's empowerment through the creative economy.

"Maybe in 2025, there will be hundreds of thousands that we will train so that they can help the national growth, including helping the economic cycle in the regions by helping people in rural areas to have additional income," said the Minister of Creative Economy.


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