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Green Building Certificate, A Step Forward to Realize Healthy and Comfortable Environment

By Pramudita Selasa, 08 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (107) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) stated that subsidized housing that has a green building certificate (BGH) is able to create a comfortable environment for the community.

"The existence of subsidized housing that has a BGH certificate shows that the property sector continues to advance and develop and is able to create a comfortable environment for the community," said Director General of Housing at the PUPR Ministry Iwan Suprijanto on Monday (10/7/2024).

BGH certification involves a series of measurement and evaluation processes of building performance in terms of energy efficiency, resource management, use of environmentally friendly materials and technologies, and sanitation quality in the building area.

"BGH certification is given so that development can be carried out in an orderly manner and encourage the implementation of building construction that has significant measurable performance, is efficient, safe, healthy, easy, comfortable, environmentally friendly, energy and water efficient, and other resources," explained Director General Iwan.

He added that the housing and residential sector has made a positive contribution to economic growth, both nationally and regionally. However, the readiness of stakeholders to understand and support the principles of green building is also a challenge that is important to be overcomed as it is an aspect in making the implementation of green building for subsidized housing for Low-Income Communities (MBR) a success.

Director General Iwan also reminded that along with the increasing awareness of the importance of sustainability and environmental protection, green building certification is a strategic step in supporting environmentally friendly development.

Green building is not just a trend, but a commitment to creating a healthier, more efficient, and more sustainable space for the community.

With the right approach, subsidized simple housing can not only be an affordable place to live, but can also meet green building standards.


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