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Hundred days of services as Chief of Indonesian National Police: Special concern for the Papua Region in the Field of Security and Order

By Cpiet Senin, 17 Mei 2021 Pengunjung (18) 3 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. After being appointed as Chief of Indonesian National Police, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo issued a policy to increase the quota for non-commissioned officers from Papua to attend Police Inspector School Education (SIP) in 2021. The Papua Regional Police, which initially only received a regular quota of 41 people, added 205 extra quotas to 246 people. The West Papua Regional Police initially received a quota of 47 slots, got extra 103 slots to complete the quota of 150 people. The addition of the quota has been coordinated between the Indonesian National Police and the Regional Leaders in Papua. This policy should be appreciated and seen as a form of special attention by the Chief of Indonesian National Police for the Papua region. For the information, one of the public data for Papua is the involvement of indigenous Papuans (OAP) in the effort to build a concrete Papuan Land of Peace carried out by the Chief of Indonesian National Police in less than 100 days of Services. This involvement is related to the duties and functions of the National Police, namely guarding security and order in the Papua region. Increasing the SIP quota and the acceptance of human resources within the National Police such as Tamtama, Bintara, Taruna and Taruni of Police Academy, as well as the acceptance of the Police Inspector School for University Graduate, are concrete manifestations of an effort to involve Papuan in maintaining security and order on their region. Starting with the addition of the SIP quota, it could provide more portions for the Papuan to serve together with the Indonesian Police to monitor security and order. However, it is essential to note, and it must be noted that irresponsible individuals should not use this quota, in addition, to take advantage of themselves and tarnish the Chief of Police's intention to provide more involvement of native Papuan. An adequate education system and environment may also need to be designed by the Papua Regional Police and West Papua Regional Police within the Provincial and Regent also Mayor on Papua. The goal is to build Execellent Papuan human resources and to be ready serve as Police officers through the Police Academy in the future. Of course, creating excellent human resources takes more than 100 days. However, the sincere intention of the Chief of Indonesian National Police to involve native Papuan by increasing the SIP quota in less than 100 days should be appreciated. More than that, the Chief of INP future programs related to the development and involvement of Papuan human resources in developing aspects of security and order in the Land of Papua need to be supported and guarded by all Papuan people. Also, wise efforts for peace, security and order of the Papuan people need to support all elements of society, starting from the local government, traditional leaders, religious leaders and all elements of society for the Papua, Land of Paradisaea. (fa / bq / hy)
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