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INP and Cleric Aa Gym Unite for Peaceful 2024 Elections

By Cpiet Minggu, 08 Oktober 2023 Pengunjung (8) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Bandung.  In a significant collaborative effort, the Indonesian National Police (INP) reached a shared agreement with respected religious leader Abdullah Gymnnastiar, popularly known as Aa Gym, to champion peace and unity in the upcoming 2024 elections. "We extend our gratitude to Aa Gym for tirelessly advocating for a safe and peaceful election through his lectures, whether delivered on YouTube or other media platforms, as well as through offline engagements. His tireless efforts are instrumental in preventing the division of our nation," General Asep Edi Suheri, the Deputy Chief of the INP's Criminal Investigation Agency, said in his statement on Saturday (7/10/2023) General Asep, who  serves as the Head of the INP's Nusantara Cooling System Operations 2023-2024, and his team held a meeting with Aa Gym, the head of Daarut Tauhid Islamic Boarding School, earlier this week.  The INP set up the Nusantara Cooling System Operations 2023-2024  to anticipate possible social fragmentation and conflicts resulting from differences in the 2024 elections. Aa Gym underscored the importance of averting divisive elements and amplifying the call for unity throughout the entire 2024 election season, raising his intention to leverage his influence to rally his followers against provocative issues that could potentially sow seeds of polarization and discord within Indonesian society. "Throughout this time, even without being asked, I have consistently advocated for a safe and peaceful election and have reinforced unity among my followers," Aa Gym said. In addition to his call for unity, he urged all Indonesian citizens to prioritize social cohesion and to remain vigilant against the pitfalls of divisive issues, especially those rooted in ethnicity, religion, and race. "Whoever is elected in the 2024 elections should receive our support because the chosen leader will be the best for Indonesia," Aa Gym asserted. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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