- Magelang. The Indonesian National Police (INP) Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo attends the regional head retreat as a speaker at Lembah Tidar, Military Academy, Magelang, Central Java, on Tuesday (2/25/2025). On that occasion, he was speaking about security, law, and corruption prevention.
In his speech, General Siggit emphasized the importance of preventing corruption by regional heads in order to create a clean government, encourage economic growth, and improve public welfare.
"Preventing corruption can be done optimally. This is also a form of our support in encouraging economic growth in the regions and implementing government programs," said General Sigit.
In the briefing session, he also explained the police's strategy in handling various crime cases, especially related to eradicating corruption. He also identified areas prone to corruption in government and provided recommendations to prevent violations of the law.
As a form of commitment to eradicating corruption, General Sigit opened a consultation room with regional heads and even shared his telephone number. This step aims to make it easy for regional heads to convey problems or needs related to legal and security aspects.
The first wave of regional head retreats at Magelang will last for seven days until February 28, 2025. Of the total 503 registered regional heads, 493 attended this activity.