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INP Chief Highlights Ongoing Challenges for Female Officers

By Admin 1 Jumat, 04 Oktober 2024 Pengunjung (111) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta.  Indonesian National Police (INNP) Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that female police officers, better known locally as Polwan, continue to face numerous challenges, including persistent stereotypes.

“There is discrimination from male groups, which leads to a dichotomy in tasks: these are for male officers, and those are for female officers. This happens globally,” he said during the 76th Anniversary of Indonesia’s Female Police Officers on Thursday (3/10/2024).

The police chief noted that female officers often encounter career limitations, as they are frequently considered more suitable for administrative roles.

“Double standards and sexism remain. Female officers are expected to fulfill their duties while also being seen as homemakers,” Chief Sigit explained.

Despite these challenges, he expressed confidence that Indonesian female officers can overcome them.

Going forward, Chief  Sigit aims to increase the number of female officers, who currently make up only 5.6 percent of the total police force.

“Women’s involvement significantly impacts organizational performance,” he asserted, highlighting the need for gender equality and the empowerment of female officers within the police force.



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