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INP Corruption Prevention Task Force Reports Yearly Activities to General Listyo Sigit

By Pramudita Kamis, 26 September 2024 Pengunjung (288) 2 Mins Read

inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Task Force of Indonesian National Police (INP) Corruption Prevention reports their yearly activities and programs to the INP Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.

“I had the opportunity to receive the report of the INP Corruption Prevention Task Force’s duties at the INP Tribrata Meeting Room. I appreciate the task force for the successful programs that have been well executed,” says General Sigit on Thursday (9/26/2024).

Throughout the year, General Sigit conveys that the task force has collaborated with 12 Ministries/Institutions which are the Finance Ministry, Agriculture Ministry, Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, Public Works and Public Housing Ministry, Youth and Sports Ministry, Education and Culture Ministry, Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Agency, Multi Infrastructure Facilities, Pertamina, Special Task Force for Oil and Gas and the National Land Bank Agency.

“Through the Corruption Prevention Task Force, INP is committed to optimize the effort in eradicating corruption in Indonesia,” says General Sigit.

On the other hand, Head of the task force, Herry Muryanto adds that of the yearly activity reports given to the INP Chief, his party emphasized their programs on four sectors, which are public services, food security, energy security, and state revenue.

According to Herry, there are two ministries/institutions that are currently supported by the task force, namely the Education and Culture Ministry and the National Land Bank Agency.

The response from the supported ministries/institutions were very positive. From the supporting efforts by the task force, they will soon write two books related to corruption prevention.

“There are five research studies that we have successfully yielded, which are study on the management of subsidized fertilizer distribution, a study on the national economic recovery of the agricultural infrastructure sector, a study/review of the management of direct cash assistance distribution, a study on the management of the use of old wells and policies for handling illegal drilling, and a study on the application of e-catalogs in the procurement of crude oil," explained the Head of the Special Task Force.

He adds that in the future, the prevention effort on corruption will be intensified by involving more ministries/institutions. The Task Force is also open if there are any ministries/institutions who asked for support in handling the corruption.


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