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Surabaya Recognized as a Child-Friendly City by UNICEF

By Admin 1 Kamis, 26 September 2024 Pengunjung (330) 1 Mins Read

Inp.polri.go.id - Surabaya. East Java’s capital of Surabaya has been accredited as a Child-Friendly City by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), joining the global Child Friendly Cities Initiative (CFCI). 

This recognition marks Surabaya as the first city in Indonesia to achieve such status.

Irvan Wahyudrajad, the Head of the Regional Planning and Development Agency of Surabaya, said on Wednesday (25/9/2024) that the achievement reflected the city’s commitment to creating a safe, comfortable, and inclusive environment for children. 

Surabaya has implemented several initiatives, including sustainable policies focused on child-friendly infrastructure and services.

Key developments include the establishment of the Rumah Anak Prestasi, an educational and developmental initiative in Indonesia aimed at supporting children, in four areas, new daycare facilities, and public forums allowing children to actively participate in local decision-making processes.

Surabaya has also received the prestigious Child-Friendly City Award (KLA) six consecutive times and has enhanced institutional frameworks through new regulations to strengthen child protection.



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