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INP Denounces Claims of INP Chief's Neutrality Breach in 2024 Election as Hoax

By Cpiet Senin, 12 Februari 2024 Pengunjung (14) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta.  The Indonesian National Police (INP) has firmly denounced that a circulating video on social media alleging the breach of neutrality by INP Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo in the 2024 elections  misleading or a hoax. The Head of INP Public Relations Division, Inspector General Dr. Sandi Nugroho affirmed that the circulating information was misleading or a hoax. "The information is untrue or a hoax, and INP has provided a signed statement debunking it on social media since last week," he said  on Sunday (11/2/2024). General Sandi urged the public not to believe unverified information circulating on social media. "People should not be swayed by unverified information and should refrain from spreading false or hoax information," the INP Chief Spokesperson said. He reiterated that the INP remains neutral to ensure peaceful and dignified 2024 elections. "The INP Chief has repeatedly maintained INP’s neutrality in the election process. INP’s duty is to ensure the  peaceful, calm and dignified 2024 elections," General Sandi asserted. The video suggested that the INP Chief instructed the Regional Police Directorate of Community Guidance, known as Dirbinmas Polda, without a confidential telegram, merely through phone calls to regional police chiefs. The video claimed that the INP Chief instructed the utilization of INP's Dirbinmas for electoral advantage, discontinuing the door-to-door approach by community policing officers (Bhabinkamtibmas).  Instead, religious leaders were reportedly deployed to use places of worship for campaigning. The Chief was also said to have requested control over these religious leaders by providing them with new mobile phones with foreign SIM cards and mobile internet modems. Financial aid was reportedly sought from security service companies, known as BUJP, connected to the Dirbinmas, the video claimed. (mg/pt/pr/nm)
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