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INP Special Task Force Holds Anti-Corruption Seminar for Papuan Businesses

By Cpiet Jumat, 10 November 2023 Pengunjung (8) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jayapura.  In an effort to prevent corruption and promote transparency in government procurement of goods and services, the Indonesian National Police (INP) Special Task Force organized an anti-corruption seminar for businesses in Papua on Thursday (9/11/2023). Novel Baswedan, the Special Task Force Deputy Chief, emphasized the importance of preventing corruption in both the public and private sectors, referring to the directive from the INP Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to create a collective commitment to curb corrupt practices. "The participation of experts as speakers in our seminar aims to inspire a collective drive among all stakeholders, including businesses, government agencies and regulatory bodies, to prevent corruption," he was quoted by antaranews.com as saying Stressing that corrupt practices hinder development and adversely affect many people, Novel called on the involvement of all parties to improve the welfare of the people of Papua. The Acting Governor of Papua, Ridwan Rumasukun, highlighted the challenges in maintaining the integrity and competence of human resources involved in procurement, and stressed the need for greater compliance and dedicated systems to prevent corruption in government procurement. (mg/inp/pr/nm)
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