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KKB Launches Assault on Security Forces in Intan Jaya: Police

By Cpiet Senin, 17 Juli 2023 Pengunjung (81) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jayapura. On Sunday, July 16, 2023, at approximately 07.00 Indonesia Eastern Time, the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in the Intan Jaya region launched an attack on the security forces of Homeyo Sector Police and Military Sector Command in Intan Jaya Regency, Central Papua. Police Senior Superintendent Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Regional Police, stated that the incident occurred during a meeting between personnel and religious and community leaders. The meeting focused on the reported theft of firearms, believed to be carried out by a KKB member from the sector police. "While in the midst of the meeting, sudden gunshots were heard targeting both the Homeyo Sector Police and Military Sector Command, prompting the members to take cover and return fire," he said on Monday (17/7/23). The exchange of gunfire lasted for approximately 2 hours before it subsided. It is suspected that the KKB subsequently relocated to Kampung Bilai. "No casualties were reported among the security forces or the KKB during the gunfight," he said. Earlier, on Saturday, July 15, 2023, it was reported that a long-barreled firearm belonging to a member of the Homeyo Sector Police had gone missing and was believed to have been stolen by KKB members. He further informed that the Papua Regional Police is currently conducting an investigation into the missing firearms associated with the Homeyo Sector Police member. "We strongly urge the residents of Homeyo District in Intan Jaya Regency to support and collaborate with the security forces to maintain a safe and conducive security environment, essential for progress and development in the area," he concluded. (ay/hn/um)
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