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Ministry of Communication and Informatics Prepares Regulations for the Utilization of AI Technology

By Cpiet Sabtu, 12 Agustus 2023 Pengunjung (9) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Ministry of Communication and Informatics (Kemenkominfo) is currently preparing regulations to encourage the adoption of the use of intelligence (AI). Deputy Minister of Communication and Informatics Nezar Patria stated that regulations on the use of AI technology need to be regulated so that people can use it positively and not misuse it. "I think that will become the duties and responsibilities of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics later so that AI can be useful and more efficient," said Deputy Minister Nezar, Friday (11/8/23). At least, there are six issues related to the use of AI in everyday life. Among them are errors or misinformation, then privacy or confidentiality, and toxicity or cyber-based threats. Furthermore, copyright protection, AI implementation bias, and understanding human values. To overcome this issue, according to him, regulations are needed so that the use of AI as technology allows diversity and creates justice. "This might become a problem in the future. I think the anticipations in the form of regulations may have involved all stakeholders to be able to talk together here," said Deputy Minister Nezar. According to Nezar, Kominfo has used a democracy and governance approach through digital ecosystem governance by involving various stakeholders. In addition to preparing for the preparation of Indonesian National Work Competency Standards in the field of AI, preparation of occupational maps in the field of AI, as well as training. "Digital literacy has been held in various regions. And through the Digital Talent Scholarship program, 2,200 participants have been trained for various AI skills," concluded Deputy Minister Nezar. (ndt/pr/nm)
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