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Commercial Sex Work and Child Exploitation

By Cpiet Jumat, 11 Agustus 2023 Pengunjung (10) 2 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id - Jakarta. The Task Force for Combating Human Trafficking Crimes (Satgas TPPO) of the Indonesian National Police (INP) and its regional police offices under the leadership of Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo successfully rescued 2.422 victims. These thousands of victims were saved as investigators uncovered 755 cases. Head of the Public Affairs Bureau at the INP Public Relations Division Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan stated that these 755 cases were uncovered between June 5th and August 10th, 2023. "Out of the 755 reports, investigators managed to arrest 899 suspects," he announced during a press conference on Friday (8/11/23). Regarding the suspects' criminal methods, he explained that the most prominent was luring victims with promises of work as Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) or Domestic Workers (PRT), accounting for 514 cases. "Following that, the method of using victims as Commercial Sex Workers (PSK) comprised 219 cases, the method of employing them as Fishermen's Assistants (ABK) involved 9 cases, and there were 59 cases of child exploitation," he said. He concluded by relaying a message from the Chief of the INP, cautioning the public against easily falling for lucrative job offers within the country and abroad. The Chief of the INP, he added, emphasized the importance of verifying the legitimacy of labor supply companies to secure social protection, welfare, and legal rights. (ay/pr/nm)
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