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Neutrality Posts Set Up for 2024 Elections Across 35 Central Java Police Offices

By Cpiet Rabu, 31 Januari 2024 Pengunjung (9) 1 Mins Read
Inp.polri.go.id -  Semarang.  The Central Java Regional Police's Head of Public Relations Unit, Senior Superintendent Satake Bayu Setianto, announced the establishment of  the Indonesian Military and the Indonesian National Police (INP) neutrality posts for the 2024 elections in 35 police offices across Central Java. "These strategically located posts in each district and city will operate 24/7," he said his statement on Tuesday (30/1/2024). The spokesperson highlighted that the posts will be open from 26 January2024  to 20 February 2024, antaranews,com reported. He emphasized that the neutrality posts signify collaboration between the Central Java Regional Police and the IV/Diponegoro Military Command to make sure the neutrality of security personnel during the elections. Chief Stateke encouraged the public to easily identify the posts and report any suspicions of neutrality violations by TNI/Police personnel. "Every report received will be followed up and processed," he said. In addition to reporting directly to the neutrality posts, he said that the public could also use the designated WhatsApp number for reporting. Chief Statke reiterated that the establishment of neutrality posts reflects the commitment of the Indonesian Military and the INPe to maintain neutrality and avoid involvement in practical politics.
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