- North Kalimantan. In further improving the effort of suppressing drug crimes, the North Kalimantan Regional Police destroys the drugs seized from cases disclosed from January to March.
The evidence destroyed included Methamphetamine weighing a total of 4,530.26 grams, Ecstasy weighing 4.21 grams, and 1.73 grams or 9 rolled marijuana. This evidence was seized from seven drug cases with seven men and a woman in total were arrested.
Police estimates that they have saved around 90,000 from the drugs as the total value of the drugs itself can be estimated to reach IDR 9 billion.
"This step shows our transparency in handling the drug evidence that has been confiscated by investigators. Until now, the North Kalimantan Regional Police have continued to strive to uncover national and international drug networks in order to suppress the number of illegal drug trafficking in the country," says the Chief of North Kalimantan Regional Police, Inspector General Hary Sudwijanto.
Through the termination of the drug evidence, it is hoped that it can suppress, even break the chain of drug trafficking, while also providing a positive impact on efforts to preserve the younger generation and the welfare of the wider community in North Kalimantan and Indonesia as a whole.